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Success Stories

Our team of experts specialize in creating data-driven marketing strategies that deliver measurable results. We have worked with a diverse range of clients across various industries. Our case studies showcase our dedication and expertise in helping businesses achieve their goals in today's ever-evolving digital landscape.

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more purchases with only 17% more budget

Spinn is an innovative, app-controlled luxury coffee maker for true connoisseurs. The pod-less machine uses G-Force infusion up to 5,000 RPM to brew espresso, cold brew and more in less than 1 minute. Spinn’s goal working with Neon Pluto was to reduce overall CPA and utilize creative to educate and attract the right consumers.

Identified creative trends during deep audit and trimmed low-performing audiences

Revamped and refined prior ads

Revitalized messaging and identified key motivating USPs from fresh ad copy matrix.

Partnered with Spinn’s internal creative team to optimize new assets for channel performance.

More purchases with 17% increase in total budget
Lower Average CPA comparing Month 4 to Month 1
Lowered cost per add-to-cart
Exceeded historic ROAS by over 2X


higher ROAS while increasing total purchases 5.5x

Soundboks makes the world’s loudest portable bluetooth speakers. Founded in Denmark, Soundboks brings premium audio into the 21st century with app controlled sound, interconnectivity and swappable batteries. Their goal: supercharge their entrance into the US market while maintaining profitable unit economics.

Reduced inefficient spend across ad-channels with the focus on incrementality and marginal rate of returns.

Restructured the campaigns and testing methodology.

Improved creative performance for existing assets with video refinements and edits.

Implemented UGC creative best practices & identified key purchase motivators, trends and demographics for the US consumers.

Decrease in average CPA
More purchases as a result of 3X higher spend
Reduction in cost per add to cart
Increase in unique people reached


Revenue Growth in First 7 Months

Glitzy Girls Boutique is a women’s fast-fashion apparel retailer with all-inclusive sizes. Based in Texas, the online shop brings trendy looks with big personality and is one of the fastest growing boutiques in the US. The goal was simple: double annual revenue in the first 12 months. We did that and more in just 7.

Defined user journeys and improved attribution to allow focus on incremental, new-to-brand customers.

Defined and discovered new audiences.

Built product feed with optimization attributes, enabling granular control, to enhance Google Shopping + Facebook DPA.

Built a merchandising strategy designed to promote high inventory products to clear aged inventory.

Revenue growth in 7 months
ROAS increase on Facebook
ROAS increase on Google Shopping
Reduction in cost per ATC

“The Smart Link team was able to consistently meet our fast deadlines. They provided detailed reporting with clear insights, next steps and recommendations that helps us make informed decisions through quickly changing market conditions.”

Equinox is a global luxury fitness and lifestyle brand that offers high-end fitness facilities, personalized training, innovative classes, and wellness services. Founded in 1991, Equinox has over 100 locations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The brand caters to an upscale clientele seeking a holistic approach to health and fitness. Alongside its fitness offerings, Equinox also features luxurious spas, high-end cafes, and exclusive events.


Revenue Growth in first 90 days while exceeding ROAS targets

Vejo manufactures portable blenders that are designed for health-conscious people. They have historically had trouble scaling their ad spending and making a profit while reaching more customers. They wanted to improve their return on ad spend (ROAS) and increase the number of repeat subscription orders for their product pods.

Working with Us